St. Mary's College Rushoroza Alumni Embrace Unity and Leadership at Kigezi Kampala Catholics Residents Association Pentecost Mass

In a remarkable display of unity and dedication, Honorable Rose Nyakikongoro, an esteemed alumna of St. Mary's College Rushoroza, called upon her fellow alumni to embrace togetherness and work towards common goals. She made this heartfelt appeal while serving as the chief guest at the Kigezi Kampala Catholics Residents Association Pentecost Mass. The Mass, notably animated by the alumni of St. Mary's College Rushoroza, underscored the strength and influence of the school's former students.
Hon. Nyakikongoro expressed her deep commitment to returning to her alma mater to encourage and support the girl child in embracing leadership positions. Her vision is for St. Mary's College Rushoroza to produce leaders who can seamlessly integrate into various service delivery roles. This, she believes, will significantly enhance the effectiveness and impact of the school's alumni network. The Pentecost Mass was not just a religious observance but also a significant gathering where the alumni led the proceedings, further solidifying their bond and commitment to the school's legacy.
Following the Mass, a luncheon and get-together were hosted at the home of one of the alumni. This gathering provided a platform for networking, reminiscing, and discussing future initiatives to support their alma mater. Mr. Naris Rwangoga, the Chairperson of the Kigezi Kampala Catholics Residents Association, commended the alumni for their organization and pledged his support for their future endeavors.

The event also featured an update from Mr. Monday Christopher, the current headteacher of St. Mary's College Rushoroza. He highlighted the school's impressive progress, noting a significant increase in the number of students pursuing science courses over arts. He proudly mentioned that the girls are excelling, a testament to the quality of education and the supportive environment at the school. Mr. Christopher spoke about the promising enrollment numbers and the ongoing infrastructure improvements, including plans to track the entire school.

In an effort to enhance the daily lives of students, the school has recently equipped its dormitories with mirrors and ironing spaces. This initiative aims to help students maintain personal grooming and smartness, contributing to their overall confidence and discipline.

Former headteacher, Mr. Byamukama Remigio, also attended the event and expressed his admiration for the current school leadership. He acknowledged the challenges of managing such a large institution and praised Mr. Christopher and his team for their tireless efforts in driving the school forward.

The event at the Kigezi Kampala Catholics Residents Association not only celebrated the rich heritage of St. Mary's College Rushoroza but also reinforced the importance of unity, leadership, and continuous support for educational institutions. The alumni's commitment to their alma mater stands as a powerful example of how former students can positively influence and contribute to the growth and success of their schools.

As the day concluded, there was a palpable sense of optimism and determination among the alumni and current leadership of St. Mary's College Rushoroza. Their shared goal of fostering an environment where every student can thrive and become a leader in their own right remains steadfast, promising a bright future for the institution and its community.


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