Preserving Wetlands or Displacing Lives? A Call for Fair and Just Environmental Policies. Davis Owomugisha's Approach.

Protecting Wetlands: A Call for Fairness and Responsibility,by Davis Owomugisha Kanzikwera 
The National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) has begun demolishing homes in wetlands, following a directive from the President. This move aims to preserve these crucial ecosystems. However, many residents, some of whom have lived in these areas for over 40 years, find this decision heartbreaking and unfair. There are significant concerns about the displacement of people and the apparent inconsistency in enforcing these regulations, especially when large factories and companies are not being targeted, even though they too are built on wetlands.

Firstly, it is important to acknowledge the importance of protecting wetlands. Wetlands are vital for maintaining biodiversity, regulating water cycles, and providing a habitat for numerous species. They also help in flood control and water purification. Hence, the government's commitment to safeguarding these areas is commendable and essential for the long-term health of our environment.

However, the manner in which these demolitions are being carried out raises several issues. Many residents claim they have been living in these areas for decades, with no prior intervention from the government or NEMA. This sudden enforcement of regulations seems unjust, especially when people had no previous indication that their homes were at risk. The displacement of these residents, many of whom may not have the means to relocate easily, is causing significant hardship.
Furthermore, there is a perceived double standard in the application of these regulations. While homes are being demolished, large factories and companies built on wetlands remain untouched. This inconsistency undermines the credibility of the initiative and suggests that wealth and influence might be protecting some from facing the same consequences.

To address these issues, the government must adopt a fair and transparent approach. Ensure that all constructions in wetlands, regardless of ownership or influence, are subject to the same regulations. This will demonstrate a genuine commitment to environmental protection and fairness.

Before taking drastic measures like demolitions, engage with the affected communities. Raise awareness about the importance of wetlands and involve residents in finding sustainable solutions. This can include relocation plans with adequate compensation and support for those affected.

 Implement a clear, long-term strategy for wetland conservation that includes strict regulations for future constructions. Ensure that all stakeholders, including government bodies, are held accountable for enforcing these regulations consistently.

 Provide adequate support and compensation to those who are displaced. This includes financial assistance, alternative housing options, and other resources to help them rebuild their lives.
Maintain transparency in all actions taken by NEMA and the government. Clearly communicate the reasons for demolitions and the steps being taken to ensure fairness.

To the younger generations, this situation serves as a powerful lesson. Environmental conservation is crucial, but it must be balanced with fairness and compassion. As future leaders, it is essential to advocate for policies that protect our planet while also ensuring justice for all people. Stand up for equitable treatment, transparent governance, and sustainable development. Remember that true progress is achieved when we protect both our environment and the rights of our fellow citizens.

While the protection of wetlands is a noble and necessary goal, the approach must be fair and just. The government and NEMA must work together to ensure that their actions do not disproportionately affect the most vulnerable. By adopting a more equitable and transparent approach, we can achieve environmental sustainability while also protecting the rights and well-being of all citizens.
The writer is a sustainable tourism Ambassador.


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